Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Malibu Wellness Anywhere!

     The Malibu product line has been around for quite some time.  Malibu is primarily known for the Swimmers Wellness Shampoo & Conditioner system which most people know is a deep clarifier to rid the hair of excess waste due to chlorine, product and daily oil buildup.  Malibu is not only known for the "Swimmers Shampoo", but also for numerous other products that have saved many people from issues ranging from Scalp to Hard Water as well as sensitive or problematic skin issues.  The following products I have worked with and love and here are a few reasons why..

                                                             Swimmers Wellness
Not only for those who swim both competitively, non-competitively or for exercise, Swimmers Wellness rids the hair of everything including product buildup.  It is a product that can be used when it is needed most but is recommended for clarifying the hair  everytime it is brought into contact with chlorine.  Also to be used as needed for those who wish to rid the hair of build-up or for oil-prone scalps.  

Malibu C® Swimmers Wellness Kit

Blondes Wellness
Same idea and directions as the above, but for blondes.  Whether you have pieces, streaks or full-blown blonde hair (naturally or artificially), you run the risk of dulling your gold or white perfection instantaneously.  Since blonde hair can be delicate and susceptible to everything and anything at times, it is imperative to give back to your locks the shine and brilliance needed for them to radiate.  

Malibu Blondes® Wellness Kit

Hard Water Wellness
Think your locks are the best they can be, both in condition and color?  When you think of copper, what color comes to mind?  You would be surprised to know what lurks in the water coming through your shower head and how it can impact hair condition and color.  Not only have I experienced this numerous times on clients but also first hand.  One of my clients came to me with blonde-hair turned orange due to well water buildup in her shower head.  When I saw her distress, I turned to the Hard Water Treatment.  Within a few shampoos and sitting with the Hard Water Crystals applied for about 5 minutes, her hair returned to her blonde-beauty and it was easy to trust in Malibu's products.  The Hard Water Wellness is essential for anyone who might live in a well water area, does not own a water filtration/purifing system for their shower head or even those who have buildup or discolored locks due to iron and copper coming in through faucets/showers.  Weekly shampoo and conditioning treatments should be a necessity if you believe you have an issue with any of the above.

Malibu C® Hard Water Wellness Kit

     As for the packets included with the Shampoo and Conditioner Kits; these specialized crystals take your hair to the next level of clean and pure.  If your hair takes a turn for the worse, these 100% Vegan, paraben, preservative, gluten and fragrance free packets are your best choice in returning your hair to tip-top shape.  

     These are just a few of the products made by Malibu.  If anyone has any questions pertaining to the products above or any products made by Malibu, feel free to contact me.  



Thursday, August 8, 2013

Straightening it all out..

     So it's been awhile since I have been on here, blogging about hair, products, etc...  You could say I have been busy; three jobs and days off that vary, make it very hard to sit down and publish the way I used to.  My lifestyle has become, against my will, a "push aside the little things till I get a chance to come back to them" kinda deal.  And yes, I have been working very hard to find even the smallest ounce of time to get back to what I love..Writing and sharing my knowledge of Hair to all my clients as well as those who are just interested in learning about hair and how our day to day lifestyles have such an impact on the health and strength of our shiny locks.

     My intention when I started this blog was ambitious at the time..  Write as many articles in a week as possible pertaining to Haircare and how we all differ when it comes to the growth and condition of hair.  Lately, I have been amped up to get back into writing, especially here.  Also, recently I have had numerous clients with hair issues and it has made me take a closer look into what might be causing these issues.

     Any blondes; be they a client, friend, whomever, knows how I feel about bleach.  Even on the healthiest hair, bleach can easily turn shiny locks to damaged tresses. Past my rant of begging almost all my clients, on behalf of their hair integrity, not to use bleach, some beg of it in return, to get the wonderful bright white hue they see so often either on tv or in everyday life.  When this does occur, I do the no brainer.. Don't foil what's already been foiled. If its light enough, LEAVE IT ALONE!
At least leaving the mid-shaft to ends of the hair out allows the only portion of the hair being foiled the new growth.

     Now, I'm sure your wondering why I went into detail on the above..  To sum it up, I see too many clients coming to me asking what I can do to "fix" what has already been done in the past. That, along with breakage anywhere and everywhere.  It now becomes my job to help guide them in the right direction to hair perfection.

     When you think about your normal daily routines, what comes to mind?  Wash hair..blow dry..straighten/curl..etc..  How about what you eat?  Daily vitamins? Stress? Sleep? Age?  Yes, all these things are just a portion of what might be causing your hair integrity to suffer.  Through treatments, both with myself and at home, it will take time but my intent is to help them recoup step by step what may have been lost.

     My love for Hair and everything that surrounds it doesn't start and stop with one visit.  My professional opinion and guidance is with my friends and clients at all times.  As is it with most everyone who knows me.  My blog is always open to those who have questions or just need some hair advice.

And as usual.. Comments more than welcome and much appreciated!

Doei! (Dutch word for Bye!)